The Jandal Ranch grows a nutritious (and delicious, according to our cows and horses!) hay composed of primarily Tifton 85 Bermuda, with Coastal Bermuda, B.Dahl Bluestem, and a dab of native bunchgrasses.
We bale big round bales measuring 5 ft wide with a 5 ft diameter, weighing around 1150 pounds each. Our bales are tightly wrapped with net wrap, and bales are quickly moved into covered storage after harvest.
We don't believe in monoculture pastures (pastures made up of only one type of grass). We believe the horse or cow should have a choice to eat what their body says they need to eat today. All pastures and hay fields at the Jandal Ranch are composed of a mixture of these different grasses.
Soil samples are taken yearly. This allows us to adjust micro-nutrients and trace minerals for an outstandingly nutritous hay.
Please call 325-201-3201 for information on purchasing Jandal Ranch Hay